A few weeks ago, we ended our journey through 2024 and crossed over to a new year, 2025. In this month’s blog, I’d like us to think about this concept of crossing over – moving from one part, side, or year to another – by looking at a fascinating story found in the third and fourth chapters of the book of Joshua.
Historical Background
1. The nation of Israel had spent 430 years in Egypt. For some of those years, during the time Joseph, Jacob and Rachael’s son was alive they enjoyed peace, but several years after Joseph’s death, they were enslaved in Egypt. (Gen. 15:13).
There are a several lessons from this Bible narrative of Israel’s crossing over the Jordan river into the Promised Land. I’ve chosen five of them to share with you.
Joshua 3: 3-4 says, “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.”
God commanded that the visible symbol of His presence and His character – the ark of the covenant – would show the way they must go by leading the way through the crossing. His people were to follow it. By leading with priests carrying the ark instead of soldiers, God declared that the key to Israel’s victory in the Promised Land would be essentially spiritual, not military. Only as they followed the representation of His presence would they be successful. The same goes for us. We don’t know what 2025 holds so we must follow God’s lead. Resist the urge to take matters in your own hands because you have never been this way before.
While the miracle of crossing the Jordan River was wholly God’s, it was performed upon the fulfilment of certain conditions by the people. They were to sanctify themselves. Because this would be a spiritual battle, Joshua required Israel to make spiritual preparations in order to be successful. That means they were to separate themselves from common and filthy things to focus on the LORD, and to see what wonders the LORD would do among them.
Today, though we know that our battles are spiritual, we have become ultra focused on the physical. We seem to be more concerned about what is on our plates than what is in our hearts and minds, but God has not changed his requirement. He is still saying to us “Be holy for I am holy.” A few weeks ago, I ‘googled’ what is the opposite of holiness? You know what I found? Worldliness. So, if God is calling us to holiness, then we must shun worldliness.
Israel was also required to move in obedience to God’s commands concerning the crossing. They were to set themselves in array (group themselves in a certain manner), with the priests leading, keeping 2000 cubits, some 1,000 yards (1km) behind the ark. This was for at least two reasons. (a) To respect the holy nature of the ark of the covenant, and (b) To make it possible for all Israel to see the ark – to see that God was in it. We too must keep our eyes on Jesus in 2025.
Although Christians are not called to carry out the same physical acts like Israel, spiritual preparation is necessary for any life of ministry and service. We must make every effort to do so. As with Israel’s preparation, crossing over from sin to victory involves hearing and believing God’s Word and the discipline of obedience to that word.” There is no other way to move forward victoriously.
Look at Joshua’s step of bold faith in verses 7 and 8 of Joshua chapter 3. “Then Joshua spoke to the priests, saying, “Take up the ark of the covenant and cross over before the people.” So, they took up the ark of the covenant and went before the people (Joshua 3: 7-8). God told Joshua to command this radical step of faith, and Joshua sent the priests to walk across a swollen Jordan River, not because of foolish presumption, but as a man led by the LORD, and because of his experience. He was one of only two men who remembered the similar work God did in Isarel’s crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 14).
Like Joshua did for Israel, leaders must encourage and instruct God’s people to hear and obey His words. The work of ministers and leaders is to hold forth the word of life, and to take care of the administration of those rules, orders, ordinances which are tokens of God’s presence and instruments of his power and grace. Though miracles may excite men, they cannot work faith in us, for “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
I must add that Israel followed the priests as far as they carried the ark, but no further; so, we too we must follow our ministers and leaders only as they follow Christ.
Notice that God’s work of stopping the flow of water at the Jordan River so Israel could pass through was similar to what He did at the Red Sea (Exodus 14: 21-22), but not the same.
The waters at the of the Red Sea were divided (Exodus 14:21-22) n contrast to the waters of the Jordan River which were cut off upstream, leaving a dry riverbed that was passable for Israel. From generation to generation, God’s work is in some ways the same and in other ways different or brand new for his glory, and as evidence of his faithfulness.
The waters of the Jordan stopped flowing the moment the priests’ stepped into them. God required the priests to take a step of faith, and then He acted. In the same way, God often asks us to take a step of faith before He moves. What step of faith do we need to take in our lives today as we face 2025?
As Israel crossed safely, the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the river. For most of the year, the Jordan River was about 100 feet wide and only 3 to 10 feet deep. However, when the more than 3 million Israelites crossed, it was at flood stage, overflowing its banks. It’s said that the body of water that piled up would have been 20 miles (32 km.) long, 2 miles (3.2 km.) wide, and around 120 ft. (37 m.) high. What a faith-boosting experience![1]
Joshua 4:24, says “He [God] did the miracle at Jordan so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.” Readers, I assure you that no enemy can overcome God’s mighty power, and he wants to reveal this power to you in 2025.
When the entire nation had finished crossing over the Jordan river, God ordered Joshua to set up a memorial. One man from each tribe was ordered to collect a stone from the bed of the Jordan river from the very place where the priests’ feet stood firmly and Joshua used these stones to set up a monument of remembrance at Gilgal, the place where they lodged that night.
The memorial was to be a sign among the Israelites so that when their children asked in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’ The adults could tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. Do we have memorials of our victories in Jesus, and do we share the significance of those victories with our children?
When God works miraculously for you, do what Israel did: find ways to memorialize the miracles for our children’s sake.
As I close this blog, I want to ask what is the main point of Israel’s crossing of the Jordan? The point is that Israel was called to cross over from wilderness living to the Promised Land, a land of freedom and prosperity. To do this, they were to fix their eyes on God and his presence, follow Him, and trust him to take care of them as he did the flood waters of the Jordan river.
As we have crossed over into 2025, we too are in the last leg of our journey through the wilderness ‘en route’ to the promised land or heaven itself. The challenge is we often find ourselves being stuck in “wilderness living.” No matter what we do and no matter how many times we “recalculate the route”, we seem to be right back where we started.
Perhaps we are experiencing a lack of fulfilment in our relationships, health, career, or purpose. Maybe we have given up hope of things ever changing for the better, and have decided to tread those same well-worn, familiar paths of bitterness, hopelessness, cynicism and defeat.
I would like to urge you to pray that God would lead us to a place where we can spiritually cross over from the wilderness of defeat, disobedience and sin to a life of victory, obedience, and holiness in Jesus.
[1] Using the geographical layout of the land from where Israel camped [Adam] to the crossing of the Jordan site.
I am sure you have heard the term” have a cutting edge” or “be at the cutting edge”. It refers to the “most modern stage of development in a particular type of work or activity” or “the most recent stage in the development of something” that usually gives a competitive advantage.[1] So, you often hear of companies at the cutting edge of information technology or scientific evidence, or organizations looking to hire employees with skills that put the company at the cutting edge of product design or innovation.
Not so long ago, while chatting with a friend who I admire in many ways, I was reminded of this term when she shared that she feared she has lost her spiritual cutting edge. She used to care about ministry and being involved in ministry but feels as if she has lost her effectiveness and enthusiasm for doing the Lord’s work. As this can happen to any one of us, I want to share some of my thoughts on recovering your spiritual cutting edge from the story of Elisha and the lost axe in 2 Kings 6:1-7.
The “sons of the prophets” (today, we might refer to them as a class of theology students) were studying under the Prophet Elisha. Many young men had joined the seminary but soon they ran out of space to accommodate everyone. So, they came up with an idea to build a new dormitory. With Elisha the trainer’s permission, and his encouraging and inspiring presence, they went down to the Jordan river to start cutting down trees, to build their new accommodations.
Like many students, the one in this passage, did not have all the resources he needed and resorted to borrowing to fulfil his lack. He borrowed an axe so he could do his part and help with the building project. Pretty soon a problem arose. One day, while cutting down a tree, his axe head flew off the handle, landed in the Jordan river, and sank to the bottom. In one mighty swing, he lost his cutting edge, and the power tool that made him effective.
Ever felt like this, spiritually? I have, at least a few times, but the question is, “What should you do when you think you’ve lost your spiritual cutting edge?”
Here are a few suggestions about how you can get back your spiritual cutting edge:
This young man lost his cutting edge and his effectiveness in doing the work he set out to do. He suffered the loss while he was cutting trees. He didn’t blame anyone else for what had happened! No, He took full responsibility for what happened to him. Maybe, he had neglected to maintain his power tool and to ensure it was in good working order. Such neglect may also be true of your spiritual life.
When you lose your “spiritual edge”, you must accept personal responsibility for it. You can point a finger at the Pastor or Elder and say “I lost my spiritual edge” because the sermons you guys preach are boring and I don’t feel engaged; or you can say “I lost my spiritual edge because the church’s programs do not meet my needs” or “I am working too hard doing church assignments and I lost my spiritual edge”. The truth is the blame lies with you and you must take responsibility for the loss. To prevent this from happening, you must constantly ensure that your spiritual connection with God is tight and firm to prevent slippage and loss.
When the young prophet lost his cutting edge, he stopped swinging right away. He stopped chopping and took a break. Think about it. If he continued trying to cut down trees, he would only be swinging at the tree bark, making noise, wasting time, and losing energy without making any real progress. If you sense that you have lost your spiritual edge, stop. Take a break. Rest. Pray. Study. Reconnect with God and meditate on His greatness. Reflect on who you are, what you do, and why you do it to better understand your divine purpose.
Having lost his cutting edge, the young prophet cried out for help. “Alas, my master! It was borrowed” (2 Kings 6:5). He lamented the loss of the borrowed axe head. It did not belong to him, and he would have to return it to the rightful owner who lent it to him. Likewise, your gifts, talents, and any ministries or opportunities you have, are not yours. They belong to God, the owner of everything in heaven and earth. 1 Corinthians 6: 19, 20 says “You are not your own and what you have does not belong to you. You are a manager, a steward, a trustee of what belongs to the Lord, and you will have to answer to Him for all that he has entrusted to you to manage. Always consider that.
The cry of the young student was also an immediate call for help. “Alas, my master!” he said to Elisha because there was nothing he could do about the situation on his own. He needed help. I do not think he expected Elisha, the man of God, to perform a miracle, but he recognized he needed his help. You too need help. You cannot recover your spiritual cutting edge on your own. Call on the Lord, and ask Him to do for you that which you cannot do for yourself. Seek help from spiritual leaders the Lord has placed in your life for fellowship, encouragement, and support. Once you have done this, God will act to help you restore your spiritual edge.
Elisha responded to the young man’s cry for help with a question, “Where did it fall?” This question required the young man to reflect on what happened; to retrace his steps; and to examine his situation. So should you. Take the time and trouble to examine the problem. Where and when did you lose your spiritual edge? Was it through neglect of Bible study and prayer? When you fell back into some old sinful habit? When you stopped regular church attendance, or after some controversy with a fellow believer? Our tendency is to sink into despair, or to keep trying to work through the problem on our own without identifying where the missing ‘axe head’ is located so you could retrieve it.
The story about the sunken axe head ends with a miracle. Elisha, the man of God, threw a stick into the water, and the axe head floated to surface of the water. Yes, the iron axe head floated. Then the young student retrieved it himself. God miraculously intervened to restore what the young prophet lost.
Similarly, when you lose your spiritual edge, it is important to wait for God’s response, and to make every effort personally to retrieve your spiritual edge. Notice, although God performs the miracle of restoration, you have to retrieve your cutting edge yourself. So, if you have neglected Bible study, prayer, and regular church attendance you must recommit yourself to doing these things again to restore what was lost. Remember, only with God’s help, can you recover your spiritual edge. He assures you that when you seek him, you will find him, when you search for him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13).
Have you lost your spiritual cutting edge? Take action today, and experience the miracle God has for you.
[1] https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cutting-edge
Ever heard this? “Yeah, maybe you’ve got a little pride. Pride and haughtiness are characteristics that make someone unhappy, unfulfilled, and unaware. Just think about some of the arrogant world leaders and wealthy superstars in our world today. Worrying and dwelling too much on our achievements or how we appear to the world is dangerous. We get nothing but the constant fear of the image we project.
On the contrary, humility and meekness are virtues shared by kind and strong people. Above all, God loves the humble and the meek. He promises abundance for those who live in the spirit of humility (Proverbs 22:4), but it does not end there. The portrayal of humility and meekness in the Bible uncovers beautiful and moral-rich stories that we can daily apply to our lives; find inspiration; and learn important lessons about the character of God as He pursues prideful sinners to save them from eternal peril.
Here is one such story about Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon (Daniel 4:28-37).
The Book of Daniel is an eye-opener depicting how humility in the Bible can be taught to all kinds of people. Nebuchadnezzar, a Babylonian king was wealthy and powerful leader, but he was known for being short-tempered and arrogant.
The Bible says, one night, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that made him fearful, terrified, and desperate to find out its meaning. He called all the wise men, enchanters, magicians, and astrologers from Babylon, but they could not interpret the dream. Then he called Daniel, whom he had named Belteshazzar, a prophet of God, who had the gift of interpretation of dreams, and who was spirit-filled, courageous, and humble, to interpret his dream.
Perplexed and apprehensive, but full of faith and confidence in God, Daniel revealed to Nebuchadnezzar that, his reign, pictured as an enormous tree with large strong branches that touched the sky, would be cut short, temporarily. Because of His pride, his rulership of Babylon will cease for seven years, and after that time, it will be restored to him.
This dream was a forewarning for him to humble himself before the Sovereign God of heaven and earth, and accompanying the alert, God gave Nebuchadnezzar twelve months to repent. No doubt, he probably forgot about the dream during that time, but God didn’t forget. All that time, he cherished pride in his heart, reaching a climax beyond which God could not suffer it to pass. The time had come for Nebuchadnezzar’s humiliation
One year later, as Nebuchadnezzar was walking on the roof of his royal palace, his pride got hold of him, and he declared, “Is not this the great Babylon that I have built by my mighty power and the glory of my majesty?” (Daniel 4:13-17, 28). Just as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven saying, “This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times [years] will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the “Most High is sovereign over all earthly kingdoms and gives them to anyone he wishes, and sets them over the lowliest of men.”
Immediately, Nebuchadnezzar’s sanity was taken from him, and he was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird. This lasted for seven years, and during that time, Nebuchadnezzar could not break free from his insanity, until God appointed the end of the time.
This happened seven years later, just as Daniel predicted, when Nebuchadnezzar, full of humility, lifted his eyes to heaven. He came to the realization that God will humble those who exalt themselves, and those who walk in pride he is able to put down.
The abiding lessons are plain: God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). A proud look is number one on the list of God’s most hated sins in Proverbs 6:16-19). There are many who rise from humble beginnings to great glory, and then fall because of a lack of humility. Like Nebuchadnezzar, we should remember that God pursues us by correcting us.
People are ever ready to tell what god has done for them in the way of benefits and blessings, we ought to be no less ready to tell what God has done for us in the way of humiliation and chastisements. Nebuchadnezzar sets us a good example of this. He freely confessed the vanity and pride of his heart, and freely told the methods God used to humble him. He no longer claimed immutability for his own kingdom, but made a full surrender to God, acknowledging his kingdom alone to be everlasting, and His dominion from generation to generation.
We also see that God will glorify himself among the nations. His goal wasn’t necessarily to turn Nebuchadnezzar from a powerful man into an animal, but to bring him to his proper place before God, and among men. After his experience in the wild, he knew which God was the true God, and he was a true witness, giving testimony to God’s great works.
Though the affliction had its designed effect, it wasn’t just that which brought Nebuchadnezzar to his senses. It was the humility of receiving mercy from a compassionate God who cares for sinners and who loves and wants them. Sadly, the day is coming when the wicked will be cut down and left without hope. No mercy will be mingled with their punishment because they will be destroyed, both root and branch. In the end, all will fade away like chaff, and only the glory of God’s kingdom will remain.
Let us all remember that though we may never fully conquer pride, if we know what it looks like when it shows up, we can knock it back down before too much damage is done. It’s usually about the “I” in me. So, beware of the “I” in pride, and ask God to help you uproot it from your life. May God help us never to forgot to acknowledge Him always, should prosperity come our way.
A personal experience I just had sparked this blog. A fellow leader and I had a disagreement about the next steps a committee should take as part of an important process. Instead of taking a position, the leader laid the blame squarely at my door via email notification to the committee. Not only was it communicated that there was in fact a disagreement, but it was also noted that the process would be delayed so that my position would hold. I never asked for this to be done and email communication to everyone would undoubtedly give the impression that I was seeking to control the process.
Have you ever wondered why some individuals blame others for mistakes or some other form of misfortune? I have, and I think it happens because blaming others is a type of defense mechanism – an unconscious process that protects the person shifting the blame from experiencing unpleasant feelings like guilt or shame. In most situations, blaming is a cognitive distortion where an individual assigns guilt or responsibility for how we feel about an unfortunate situation to someone else. The distortion is usually part of a person’s defense mechanism, which involves denying their own inadequacies, and seeing them in others, instead, and calling others out publicly.
When I think about the Bible’s account of fall of humankind recorded in Genesis Chapter 3, I see something similar. Eve is deceived by the serpent and her husband Adam follows her example and distrusts God. When God comes looking for them both, Adam blames the woman for their lost condition, and his wife in turn, blames the serpent who we know was the Devil in disguise. In this case, both people erred but no one was willing to take personal responsibility for their actions. Adam shifted the blame to Eve and she did the same to the serpent.
While blaming may make one person feel better about themselves, it usually places the responsibility for a negative outcome squarely on the shoulders of someone else. “It’s not my fault; it’s yours.” This can happen for several reasons: one person is controlling and that leads them to find fault in others; narcissism where the blame-sharer simply refuses to look for faults or inadequacies in themselves. A third reason is miscommunication.
With regard to my experience given above, I believe it was a way of saving face. Instead of admitting to miscommunication, a misreading or incorrect understanding of the process, it was easier to blame someone else – me. Another reason may be a fragile sense of self-worth; a feeling that admitting a mistake or accepting responsibility for something negative means they are flawed.
The question is “How should I deal with the blame-sharer in this instance?” After getting over the initial shock of the blame-shifter’s actions, I am pondering my next move. Maybe, I will just let this one slide and look for an opportunity later on to chat about it.
Submission in marriage has been an age-old concept, deeply rooted in the counsel the Apostle Paul gave to couples in Ephesians Chapter 5, verses 22 to 24.
The New International Version renders the passage this way:
Ephesians 5:22–24 — The New International Version (NIV) 22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
According to Paul, the wife is supposed to submit to her own husband, which in many cases is a life of oppression and subjugation for many women. With so many patriarchal cultures and societies, many husbands latch on to the submission requirement to ensure male dominance in marriage; control of women, and at times, wanting total obedience as a necessity in matters of sex and romance.
Women, on the other hand, appear to be in two camps. One group points to submission as a means of following the spiritual lead of their husbands, deferring to his opinions and views about financial matters, discipline of their children, and general decision-making within the marriage.
A second group, rebuffs the submission rhetoric. They do not buy into wifely submission solely, claiming that submission should be mutual: husband to wife and wife to husband, depending on the matter at hand. I identify more with the second group, with full recognition that husbands and wives have different and often contrasting perspectives on Biblical submission.
As such, I think we should uncover a workable definition for Biblical submission in marriage. What did Paul mean when he gave His counsel? Whose duty is it to submit: wives only? Both wives and husbands? What does submission look like in 21st century Christian marriages?
Let’s take a look at these questions in turn.
What is submission?
As a Christian woman who will complete three and a half decades of marriage later in July, I would define submission in a marriage as selfless, non-competitive service, combined with mutual accountability, and respect for one’s spouse. This is a type of Holy Spirit-led submission, and does not in anyway mean that a wife loses her voice in the marriage, becomes a ‘slave’ whose duty is to wait hand and foot on her husband, or who totally give up her will to her husband as a superior, obeying his every word. If this is your experience, what you have does not qualify as a loving marriage but an authoritarian parent-child relationship. Yikes!
What did Paul mean when he gave His counsel? Whose duty is it to submit?
Looking closely at the passage above, we notice that Paul compares the wife’s submission to her husband to her submission to Christ, for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. How do we submit to Christ: from a place of force and dominance or from a place of choice? Clearly, the latter. Christ does not trade in the business of force, only willingness, and free will. This tells me that any authoritarian view of submission is neither biblical nor Christlike.
Why? Because Jesus willingly submitted Himself to a cruel death for us at an infinite cost to himself and out of intense love for us. He also gifts us with a down payment of His Holy Spirit who dwells within us. Motivated by God’s love and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are able to submit to and serve each other. So, husbands who love their wives the way Christ loved the Church, that is more than their own life are more likely to experience submission from their wives.
Every marriage, especially a Christian marriage, should be built on love, and lots of it. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul tells us that “love is patient, kind and does not envy, nor boast. and is not proud, rude or self-seeking.” In the context of a loving relationship, it would not be very difficult to submit using our working definition above.
One crucial principle of Bible study we should remember is taking one Bible verse and creating doctrine and practice out of it. I believe in “here a little, there a little” as I study God’s word. If we use this approach, we would see that Paul not only counsels the Ephesian wives to submit to their own husbands because he is the head of the wife, but he also requires believers to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21), and he counsels husbands to love their wives as their own bodies. Wow!
This suggests some type of flexibility on the part of loving husbands and wives as they interact with each other in their marriage, and indicates that “submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ” must also be accompanied with “selfless love, allowing for choice, and respect.
If we go back to Genesis, we would see that God intended that there should be equality in marriage as He gave both Adam and Eve equal responsibility to dress the garden of Eden and keep it, and to multiply and replenish the earth.” Both husband and wife were made in the image of God, and any actions that would mar God’s image in one’s spouse is a poor reflection of God’s character, and has no place in our homes.
Moreover, if submission were actually about a woman losing her volition in matters of sex and romance, Paul wouldn’t state in 1 Corinthians 7:4 that a wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and according to some Bible versions like the Message translation, we see that women have authority over their husband’s bodies in the same way that men have authority over their wife’s body which indicates a sense of mutuality or equalizing which was God’s original plan for married couples.
So, instead of insisting that the change in marital relationships that occurred after sin should hold, wouldn’t it be better if we all uphold the view that Jesus came to restore all things, including God’s original purpose for marriage, and ask God for His power to live this out in our homes? Taking Paul’ marital counsel in its entirety, it is clear that for Christian husbands and vives, Biblical submission in marriage is mutual and not sex-based.
What does submission look like today?
In the 21st century, the misunderstanding about this Bible passage is palpable. Men continue to hold to the view that husbands are not required to submit, only wives because they are “the head of the wife”. However, the Son of Man came to serve not to be served, and we are all called to be Christ-like and to servant-leaders, to esteem others better than ourselves. The service Christ gave to humanity was given even when we least merited that sacrifice.” Husbands are called to love their wives in this manner.
So, I say, go forth and love on each other; reverence each other as unto Christ, and submission will naturally flow your way. Remember, however, that submission is a mark of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives as wives and husbands. Only Through the power of the Holy Spirit will we be able to put the needs of our spouses ahead of our own, imitate Christ’s service in our homes, and discover the joy God intended would accompany submission in marriage.
The month of February, just concluded was Black History month. This year’s celebrations saw many companies continue their quest for diversity, equity and inclusion with a degree of urgency not seen before the death of George Floyd. What is it? How to do it in a sustainable manner? What is the return on investment? Who benefits?
A quick check of the literature reveals that this trending topic is largely being defined and considered through a secular lens. In this blog, I explore more closely the concept of inclusivity through a Biblical lens.
Inclusivity is commonly defined as the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those having physical or intellectual disabilities or belonging to other minority groups.[1]
Is there a theological basis for inclusivity? Certainly. God demonstrates inclusivity throughout scripture through myriad stories: the rescue of Rahab, a Canaanite, from one of the hated enemy groups of Israel; the redemption of Ruth, a pagan Moabitess, and member of an accursed race; and the saving of the people of Nineveh in spite of Jonah’s unwillingness to warn them about impending destruction.
In the New Testament, Jesus, our Saviour, is born, not in a palace in Jerusalem, but near a cattle trough in the small town of Bethlehem. Angels announced his birth, not to the powerful or rich, but to humble shepherds, who were not even permitted as witnesses in a court of law.
For his inner circle, Jesus chose people who were so diverse they would have struggled to be in the same room together under normal circumstances. There was Peter, impulsive, ambitious, self-assertive, and quick to commit without fully understanding the meaning of Jesus’ words or actions; and James and John, nick-named the “Sons of Thunder” by Jesus because they wanted to burn up a city when the people refused to welcome Jesus; Simon from the Zealots, a group that fought against Roman rule; and Matthew, who collected taxes on Rome’s behalf.
In a society where the witness of a woman was not admitted in court, Jesus first directly acknowledged his title of Messiah to a Samaritan woman of questionable reputation, who promptly spread the news to her community (John 4:25-42). He was compassionate towards social outcasts. He noticed people that others ignored or rejected. He stopped to hear the cries of those excluded from Jewish society—the blind, the lame, the mentally ill, and lepers. He honoured the despised by eating at their table (Luke19:5).
At his resurrection, he chose to appear to Mary Magdalene first, and asked her to carry the joyful news to the rest of his disciples (John 20:17,18).
We can see from these examples that during his ministry, Jesus was radically inclusive. He didn’t just let people of all kinds tag along, he involved them and moved them from a place where they were of no value, to places of importance.
Though God requires it, and Jesus demonstrated it, being inclusive does not come naturally to human beings. We tend to compete rather than to work together, and we struggle to empathize with people who are not like us.
The Book of Acts clearly shows how difficult this could be. Having witnessed their radical inclusion as believers, Peter still needed both a vision from God and the miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit to persuade him that Gentiles were to be included in the family of God, without them needing to become Jews (Acts 10).
There were similar problems in Corinth where divisions ran deep along many lines, including the following of different leaders, divisions over meat offered to idols, and some members being seen as more important than others. The Apostle Paul publicly lectured Peter for eating separately from Gentiles, due to peer pressure from visiting Jews (Galatians 2:11-14).
For many, the requirement to be more inclusive was asking them to change deeply-ingrained habits of a lifetime but Paul, tackles these issues one by one and argues for a united body of believers. In 1 Corinthians 8:11, he says the church is “one body” and each member is important, “for whom Christ died”.
Do you find yourself struggling to be generous towards people who are different from you, or who aren’t part of your family or friendship group? Are you guilty of unfair treatment such as name-calling, work discrimination, gender stereo-typing, bullying, and harassment? Is your attention often attracted to popular people, rather than those who are alone or have problems? Are you introverted, and struggle to relate to people who are usually part of a noisy, extroverted group?
Let’s think about how you can be more open to connection with others, and more closely follow Jesus’ example of radical inclusivity. It takes thought, intentionality, practice, and Holy Ghost power.
[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=inclusivity+definition&oq=inclusivity+&aqs=chrome.4.69i57j0i433i512j0i131i433i512j0i512l7.6426j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” This phrase is reminiscent of school recess when you didn’t want others to know how hurtful their words truly were. Words possess an energy that can heal, help, hurt, or destroy. A single word contains various hidden messages. It could leave us stunned for a moment or forever. No matter what anyone tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
Scientific studies actually show that positive and negative words not only affect us on a deep psychological level, they also have a significant impact on the outcome of our lives. In their neuroscience experiment, “Do words hurt”, Maria Richter and collaborating scientists monitored subjects’ brain responses to auditory and imagined negative words. Their study found that negative words release stress and anxiety-inducing hormones in subjects. Words matter.
How many of us have thoughtful flashbacks over the negative words and taunts that were uttered to us in our lifetime? Why then as Christians, do we sometimes find humour in voicing negative words to someone else? Why is it so commonplace to insult someone and take no thought of what was said?
I remember, not too long after I met Roderick, I got mad one day and told somebody off. I did not use bad words. I don’t use them but my tone was measured and the pace of words so deliberate that the person knew not to mess with me again. I remember Roderick saying, “Yes, what you said was factual but you must always pass your words through three gates. Gate One:” Is it true? Gate Two: “Is it kind? Gate Three: “Is it necessary? I have never forgotten that counsel.
Every encounter we have with another human is an opportunity to witness about the goodness of God. You can do so with positive words. The words you speak can shift the atmosphere around someone’s day and possibly their life. Do you know you can compliment someone and change the trajectory of their day positively?
The Bible says in Proverbs 12:18 says, the words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Our words should bring healing to a soul in turmoil, to someone going through a tough time, to someone needing a friend. How about speaking positivity into those you meet everyday, and especially at Christmastime this year!
Friendship is truly one of the greatest gifts in life. The Bible says:
Friendship, one of the oldest parts of our culture and our humanity, is a very powerful meaningful relationship, that binds people together into a strong emotional bond. A lot of friendly people form bonds with their closest friends early in life, be it in high school, grade school, or pre-school. My oldest friendship is over four decades long and started when I entered high school. This underscores one of the most important core facts about friendship: real friends stick around and have a powerful impact on your life.
David and Jonathan
Of all the friendships in the Bible, that of David and Jonathan stands out the most to me. 1 Samuel 18 describes their friendship: “As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”
While this is the essence of friendship, to love another as you love yourself, three other elements—displayed love, loyalty, and emotional openness – are essential traits that psychologists deem necessary for friendships to thrive.
Jonathan sacrificed for David, stripping himself of the items which represented his power and position, and giving them to him. Jonathan was also unwaveringly loyal to David, warning him of King Saul, his own father’s treachery and desire to kill him. The two friends also shared a close emotional bond as well, and were unafraid of sharing their feelings: Jonathan wept when it became clear to him that David had to leave.
As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on for many of us, making and maintaining friendships has become even more important. Even if you’re quarantining or in isolation for a recent infection, it’s important that you find ways of reaching out to others, strengthening your sense of connection, and alleviating loneliness and isolation.
What are the benefits of friendships?
Quality counts more than quantity but I have heard that it is difficult to nourish and maintain more than ten friends at a time. While it’s good to cultivate a diverse network of friends and acquaintances, you also want to nurture a few truly close friends who will be there for you through thick and thin.
The most important quality in a friendship is the way the relationship makes you feel—not how it looks on paper, how alike you seem on the surface, or what others think. Ask yourself:
The bottom line: if the friendship feels good, it is good, but if a person tries to control you, criticizes you, abuses your generosity, or brings unwanted drama or negative influences into your life, it’s time to re-evaluate the friendship. A good friend does not require you to compromise your values, always agree with them, or disregard your own needs.
Developing and maintaining good friendships takes effort. The enjoyment and comfort friendship can provide, however, makes the investment worthwhile. However, many adults (including me) find it hard to develop new friendships or keep up existing friendships. Friendships may take a back seat to other priorities, such as work or caring for children or aging parents. You and your friends may have grown apart due to changes in your lifestyles or interests. Or maybe you’ve moved to a new community and haven’t yet found a way to meet people.
How can I nurture my friendships?
Making a new friend is just the beginning of teh journey. Cultivating friendships takes time so you need to nurture that new connection. To do this consider the following useful steps:
Be the friend that you would like to have. Use the golden rule and treat your friend just as you want them to treat you. Be reliable, thoughtful, trustworthy, and willing to share yourself and your time.
Be a good listener. Be prepared to listen to and support friends just as you want them to listen to and support you.
Give your friend space. Don’t be too clingy, or needy, or try to monopolize your friend. Everyone needs space to be alone or spend time with other people as well.
Don’t set too many rules and expectations. Instead, allow your friendship to evolve naturally. You are unique individuals so your friendship probably won’t develop exactly as you expect.
Be forgiving. No one is perfect and every friend will make mistakes. No friendship develops smoothly so when there’s a bump in the road, try to find a way to overcome the problem and move on. It will often deepen the bond between you.